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Install the Chef Local License Service

This document describes how to install the Chef Local License Service in an airgapped environment and load license data on it.


Before installing the Chef Local License Service:

  • Download the local-license-service Habitat package on an internet-connected workstation. Contact Chef Support to get access.

Chef Local License Service requires:

  • A machine running Linux with kernel 2.6.32 or later on an x86-64 processor
  • On your machine, open port 8000 for inbound traffic.

Airgapped environment

If you’re deploying Local License Service in an airgapped environment, download the license data from the Chef licensing server on an internet-connected workstation.

curl --location '<LICENSE_ID>&version=2' -o <LICENSE_DATA_FILENAME>.json


  • <LICENSE_ID> with your license ID. You can get this from Chef Support.
  • <LICENSE_DATA_FILENAME> with a filename to save the data locally.

Deploy the service

This procedure will start up the Chef Local License Service from a Chef Habitat package on a server in an airgapped environment.

  1. Unzip and untar the chef-private-local-license-service package.

    tar -xvf chef-private-local-license-service-0.1.0-20230622141749.tar.gz
  2. From the directory where the hab directory is present, move the hab directory to root.

    sudo mv hab /
  3. Create a shell script that runs this service and paste the following content.

    cat<<EOT > /etc/systemd/system/hab-sup.service
    Description=Habitat Supervisor
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/hab sup run --strategy none
    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl start hab-sup
    systemctl enable hab-sup 
    # wait for the sup to come up before proceeding.
    until hab svc status > /dev/null 2>&1; do
      sleep 1
  4. Grant permissions to the script.

    chmod u+x
  5. Symlink the hab location.

    sudo ln -sf /hab/bin/hab /usr/bin/hab
  6. Execute the shell script.

    sudo ./
  7. Verify that the Chef Habitat Supervisor is running.

    systemctl --type=service --state=running | grep hab-sup

    systemctl returns hab-sup.service loaded active running Habitat Supervisor.

  8. Create the Habitat user and group.

    sudo groupadd hab
    sudo useradd -g hab hab
  9. Load Local License Service package.

    sudo hab svc load chef-private/local-license-service
  10. Verify the service is running.

    sudo hab svc status

    This returns a status similar to:

    package                                                  type        desired  state  elapsed (s)  pid   group
    chef-private/local-license-service/0.1.0/20230622141749  standalone  up       up     58           3047  local-license-service.default

Load license data

You can load license data depending on whether your service is running in an airgapped environment or a non-airgapped environment.

Airgapped environment

In an airgapped environment, use the v1/uploadLicense endpoint to load your licensing data.

curl --location --request POST 'http://<IP_ADDRESS>:8000/v1/uploadLicense' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @<LICENSE_DATA_FILENAME>.json


  • <IP_ADDRESS> with your Local Licensing Service IP address
  • <LICENSE_DATA_FILENAME> with the path and filename of your license data

Non-airgapped environment

In a non-airgapped environment, use the v1/loadLicense endpoint to load your licensing data directly from the Chef’s licensing server.

curl --location 'http://<IP_ADDRESS>:8000>/v1/loadLicense' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"LicenseId": "<LICENSE_ID>"}'


  • <IP_ADDRESS> with your Local Licensing Service IP address
  • <LICENSE_ID> with your license ID.

Verify license data

To verify your licenses have loaded, use the /v1/listLicenses endpoint to list license data loaded on Local License Service.

curl --location --request GET 'http://<IP_ADDRESS>:8000/v1/listLicenses'

After you upload the license data, you can set your Local License Service IP address or URL in your Chef applications using the CHEF_LICENSE_SERVER environment setting or --chef-license-server CLI option.

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